I PRed my 1RM hang squat clean at CrossFit tonight…80 lbs. More importantly, I didn't hit my chin like I did last week. I'm excited to see what the exercises are for the next strength cycle. I'm determined to get my name up on the whiteboard for at least one of them, whatever they are.
Then I went to the nearby shopping mall in search of a birthday gift for Robyn (her birthday is on Saturday). I cringed when I saw all the holiday stuff at Target (it’s too early!), but wandered over to that section like a magnet to all the pretty decorations/ornaments. I picked out Catwoman for myself and Wonder Woman for Robyn. So stinkin’ cute! I wanted to get Captain America and Anger from Inside Out, but I’ll save those purchases for another trip. I also got her a bike helmet light and a bike bell. Safety first! I kinda wanted to get her a honky bike horn, but she said that she was "too demure" for that.
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