Today was the company picnic, so after catching up with my boss for a little bit, I zipped over to the grocery store to get cups, drinks, and ice- items I was responsible for. Fortunately, they were having a 2, get 2 free. Score! I figured this situation falls under the Halloween Candy policy where you buy/give what you enjoy yourself, and then when you have leftovers, you win too. So, of course, I bought drinks that I liked. I even bought juice boxes for the kids that were coming. Who doesn't like a juice box, right?
The food at the picnic was fantastic. The people that catered last year were asked to come back this year. Menu: pulled pork, BBQ chicken, veggie wraps, potato salad, coleslaw, salad, and banana pudding. Yum!
For the kiddie activity, one of the guys from the
After the picnic, I invited my former officemate Jennifer to the new place for her to check it out. I wasn't planning to have a housewarming party with the people from the office, but I did want her see the place because she basically heard about the entire house hunting/buying experience at the office and I wanted to show her the end product in person.
Running: Yesterday's workout was 3 miles @ 9:50 pace, but since I went to see Wicked, I didn't end up running. I, instead, did the workout tonight. 4 laps around the neighborhood came out to 3 miles. I clocked in at 30:25, which translates to a 10:08 min/mile pace. Whew, not bad.
Goal for this weekend's yard sales: find a night stand.
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