The 21 clean eating challenge is still going strong. I hadn't decided on what to do to celebrate when it finishes, but then I got an IM from one of the directors at work. I helped her take some of her clothes back to the office from Indy since she was going to CA instead of going home. I did this for her last year too when we went to Little Rock. Call me a sherpa or something. She IMed me this afternoon to ask what I would prefer as a thank you gift for doing that favor for her. Aw, that's nice! She insisted so I asked for a FrozenYo coin. I. Can't. Wait! 10 more days to go until I can pig out on the frozen yogurt and then go back to healthy eating.
Spin class (check!).
FitnessBlender workout for tonight: Total Body Strength Training with Dumbbells - Challenging Dynamic Superset Workout (check! I should be getting tired of this workout, but I haven't. I don't mind doing it 2 days in a row. I think my shoulders are seeing the most improvement from doing it.)
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