
Monday, February 13, 2017

Front Squat PR

It's test week this week at CrossFit. Today, we tested our 1 rep max for front squats. I maxed out at 1 RM at 135 lbs, +20 lbs from my previous 1 RM PR that I set in May 2016. I tried for 140 lbs, but I squatted down and couldn't get back up again. Heh. Ok, something to work on for next time!

My sister had to bail out on one of her lifts, and we just stared at the barbell for a second, like “ok, now what?” Fortunately, Coach Nic cleaned and reracked it for us, “That’s what I’m here for.” Oh, good, because there was no way I could have lifted 115 lbs from the ground (yet...).

WOD, running clock, using 8 lbs ball:
5:00 EMOM:
20 Double Unders + 15 Wall Balls (40 Single Unders and 12 Wall Balls)
5:00 EMOM:
30 Double Unders + 10 Wall Balls (50 Single Unders and 8 Wall Balls)

The winds last night knocked down one of the pine trees nearby! I'm hoping there's a tree crew that comes to clean that up soon.

Extra credit workout today: I did a FitnessBlender HIIT workout this evening (cardio + total body workout) and sweated my little heart out. Since I quit the regular gym back in October and haven't done a spin class in such a long time, I really need to make an effort to get my cardio in.


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