My friend from graduate school (Jenny, far right) was so nice to invite us to her new house for brunch on Saturday. She and her husband made some many improvements to the house over the past year. The house looked awesome and I'm really happy for her because I know it has been quite a labor of love. My favorite space was the kitchen: it was so open, had a large island in the middle as well as tons of storage. She prepared a lovely brunch spread and we caught up with the other graduate school ladies, Cristina and Laura.
My friend from undergrad Page texted me a few days ago, asking if she could order some cards. I tackled that order on Friday, after I shut down my work computer. She requested specific sentiments and that the cards be animal-themed. Ok, easy peasy!
Another friend from undergrad Meg gave me a cat-related puzzle for my birthday a few weeks ago. I started it after I got home from Jenny's brunch and finished it about 24 hours later. The distinct colors in the puzzle made it easier to do.
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