I wanted to make a quick and easy card before dinner tonight because I knew that I had stuff to do after spin class (phone call with a friend and The Hills/The City on TV) and I didn't want to be up later than I had to to make a card. I challenged myself to make a one-layer card. I wanted to make sure to make the card really colorful since I wasn't planning to use any sort of embellishments. What? No rhinestones? Yes, shocking. I also did something that might make some people cringe: I cut the sentiment stamp so that it'd be on two lines instead of one. Meh, I guess I could always line the sentiment back up for another card. No biggie. Cutting the stamps allows for more flexibility in how you want images to look. When the card was done, I was pleased that it was rather gender neutral.
Card Specs:Ink: Colorbox chalk ink in Tangerine, Prussian Blue, Warm Green, Yellow Cadmium, Chestnut Roan
Stamp: Fiskars- Birthday (dots, sentiment)
Punch: We R Memory Keepers Corner Chomper
Ginger was taking a nap on the dining room table, so I moved her to the sun room because Mom was setting the table for dinner. She looked so fluffy, warm, and cute as she basked in the sunshine. Also, Mom randomly found a robin's egg in the garden today. Do you think it'll hatch? What would we even do with a baby robin?!
I found out at spin class that Jeff is not teaching TH night spin class anymore. :( Not sure what's up with that. I haven't been to a TH class in a while, so I'm curious to see who's teaching now. Janice (the Tuesday class instructor) complimented on the new pink top that I bought over the weekend. Having new cute workout clothes IS motivation to go to the gym. :)
I wanted to follow up on the
health tidbit I mentioned a few days ago about throwing away makeup that I hadn't used in a while. I came across this nifty cheat sheet on
BellaSugar. I guess if you throw some stuff away, it'll give you an excuse to buy new stuff, right? :D
cute card!!!
Card is cute...nice colors. Love the cat too. :) I have my sweet kitty who keeps me company in my "creating" room most of the day. She just hangs out in her "princess bed." lol Its a cat bed on a desk with a sheer curtain draped around her so she can see out the window better. I call it her princess bed.
I love the name Ginger- how cute! She kind of looks like my mom's cat, Cartwright- only he is the devil. Yours looks sweet!
you should've let ginger hatch the egg, she would love to do it,lol.
love ginger<3
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