When I got home, I noticed that RJ was struggling to pee. He go into his litterbox and sit there for quite some time, leave and then come back to pee again. Ugh. Something's not right. I had a feeling that he had some sort of blockage. I called the emergency vet and told them what the situation was and they told me to bring him in. So I got back in the car with RJ and headed to the vet. Yep, I was right. He wasn't totally blocked, but he was definitely feeling uncomfortable. They sent me home with some pain and anti-spasm medication and instructed me to keep an eye on him the next few days. Good thing I don't have to got to work tomorrow! When we got home from the vet, he wanted to sleep on my stinky gym clothes. Sigh. I had to give him medication orally tonight and wow, he was not happy. Sorry, but I don't want to take you back to the vet!
Fingers crossed that things will be better tomorrow!
Awww...isn't that the hardest thing to deal with, is a sick pet?? Hope RJ gets to feeling better and it can be remedied with meds.
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