Volunteer Activity #10 of 2014: I woke up at 5:45 AM to volunteer at the 32nd Annual Turkey Chase, specifically packet and t-shirt pick-up. Wow, was it cold! They even had portable furnaces (think propane-fueled tiki torches), but you had to stand really close to them to feel any heat. Good thing I had running tights, a fleece jacket, and a hat. It was cool to see so many runners of all ages. I recognized a classmate's wife picking up her packet, a coworker's husband and sister-in-law, as well as a friend that I went to elementary/middle/high school with. She currently lives in California, but is home to see her family (C, are you reading this? It was good to see you!).
After the race, I went over to my parents' house to get something to eat and then I headed to Safeway for a Redbox movie (X-Men: Days of Future Past) and some ice cream, and then a much needed nap! When I woke up, it was time to get ready and head to my parents' house for Thanksgiving dinner. Paihan and Emily were not able to make it to dinner tonight (Paihan is in Boston and Emily is in Taiwan/Japan). However, CT brought his girlfriend and another friend to dinner.
The apple pie that Mom got at Costco was 4.68 lbs! CT brought 2 containers of flan. I brought my pumpkin cheesecake, which was all eaten or given away by the end of the evening. My cousins and I picked names for this year's Secret Santa exchange, which is great because now I can plan out holiday shopping with all the online Black Friday deals. :) Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanksgiving dinner looks delicious and I will have a slice of each dessert!!!
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