Interesting links: 10 Things 90s Kids Will Have To Explain To Their Children. I think the one that I can identify with the most is #7. ::shudders at the thought::
Important message about equality, human rights, and family that another one of my friends posted on Facebook. I thought the student in the video was very articulate, and I hope his message had an impact on his audience.
Good customer service report: About a month ago, I bought an Aerobed. With this purchase would come a $10 gift card to Bed, Bath and Beyond. I got an email saying that the card had been mailed, but it's been a month and I haven't received it. I contacted customer service yesterday to tell them my problem. After some research, they found that the address they had on file for me was incorrect. I got an email today, notifying me that the new gift card has been reissued. ::applause::
At the office: At a meeting today, we were talking about stuff we had to do. I mentioned "well, cookies around here definitely speed things up." A director replied, "No, Tina. YOUR cookies speed things up around here." I think a part of teamwork is to find what motivates people. If the "carrot" is cookies, I make sure that I'm on those people's good sides.
Family: My cousin recently upgraded his iPhone, and he was nice enough to let me have the old one to use as an iTouch. I have never had an Apple product before (I know that's kinda shocking in this day and age), so this was a new adventure to me. I love it! I'm able to do so many things from this little handheld thing and not have to turn on my computer- email (both personal and work), monitor my Etsy shop, Twitter, facebook, IM, etc. I have finally caught up with the world! Here are two pictures that I took with it. Julie and I were talking about hummus, which is why tahini was brought up.