
Thursday, September 11, 2014

RJ's Follow-Up Appointment

I worked from home this morning and then took RJ to the vet for his follow-up appointment to make sure that his urinary issue had been resolved.  The vet tech called me yesterday and told me that he needed to have a full bladder in the morning so they could get a urine sample. 


I fed him some wet food and shut the door to the litter box.  He circle around and tapped the door knob several times.  He looked at me and the door, as if to say "Mommy, I really have to pee."  Ugh, I tried to hold on as long as I could, but I couldn't see him pathetically circling around. Fine, go pee in your box.

Surprise, surprise, he didn't have enough in his bladder for the vet to get a urine sample.

She said that I have two options: "You can try to get one yourself or you can keep him here.  We'll give him fluids to get a urine sample out of him."

How am I supposed to get a urine sample?  My friend at work was really funny when I told her what happened.  "It's not like you can squeeze him like a orange."

I left him at the vet and went to work and got a call around 5:30 PM saying that he peed and the urine test came back with good news.  Red and white bloods cells were normal.  Whew!

On another note, when I got home from the vet the first time, I turned on the tv and watched some clips of the Today Show.  They were talking about one of the surviving rescue dogs from 9-11.  It's hard to believe that day was 13 years ago.  I had just started freshman year of college.  It was hard not to tear up a little while watching the remembrance clips they showed on tv.  And it's also hard to think that a lot of the struggles with fighting evil then still continue today.

Never Forget.


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