Another morning at the registration front desk today. Overheard conversation between some senior people from work: "If we didn't bicker, we wouldn't get along." It's nice to work with people with a sense of humor, especially around 7 AM. I found the end of the day most interesting with the Member Assembly. Many of the meeting participants were really engaged in the discussion, and I appreciated that they were so passionate about the Association and its direction. I also felt energized with the speeches that the Executive Director, past President and President gave. Public health laboratories do serve a great purpose in our community, and it'll be interesting to see what the future brings.

For dinner tonight, I grabbed a roast beef sandwich at Potbelly (second roast beef sandwich for today, heh) and after I inhaled that along with a bag of chips, I decided to go to
Graeter's for some ice cream. I went with a scoop of toffee chip, but in a cup this time since
getting ice cream in a cone proved to be very messy last time. Calories don't count when you're not at home right? :D
Working a roundtable session tomorrow, which means I get to sleep in until 7 AM tomorrow (as opposed to 6 AM). Hey, I'll take what I can get!
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