
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Healthy People 2020 Meeting

Whew, busy work day today!  My boss is currently in Houston for a training, and we were trying to put together the last pieces of a mailing that had to go out this week.  We had to involve the graphic designer at work (who was out sick but was still able to get the updated document to us) and the Director of Marketing and the Chief Operating Officer and an administrative assistant.  It wasn't done yet, but had to leave the house to get downtown!  Ahhh!

I had a meeting in DC this afternoon to move an objective that one of our surveys is the data source for from developmental to measurable.  This was a big deal for me because I've (along with a person from the NCHS, Sirin) been working on the memos and data for this project for the past 6 months.  The documents had to be circulated through many layers of approval and I'm so glad that we were able to get this in on time for this meeting.  I was a little unsure of that with the July 4th holiday being not too long ago.  Sirin and I went to the meeting in person and then members from my association and another person from CDC/ATL called in.  6 months of work boiled down to about 10 minutes at the meeting.  The objective was approved as measurable, so I guess we just move forward from here by handing over the data and keeping our promise to collect it when we say we are.  It was kinda anti-climatic.  I was expecting a gavel or something, but the people around the table just said "ok, it's approved if there are no further questions." 

When I was done with the presentation, I went back to furiously emailing my boss and trying to get the other pieces of the project together from the morning.  Thank goodness for my iPhone!

Sirin (who I've only had contact via phone and email) went out to lunch after the meeting to celebrate.  We went to Cantina Marina on the Waterfront.  The view was beautiful, but I could do without the heat.  It was easily in the mid-90s today.  She had the duck tacos and I had the fried shrimp, yum!


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