One of the Black Friday-ish items that I bought on a whim on Monday was a Chromecast. Best Buy had it on sale for $22.99 (2% Ebates cash back and free in-store pick up). I watch a lot of YouTube so it's nice to be able watch the videos on a larger screen with better resolution than I could if I was watching it through my Wii. I also thought it was a great deal because I checked the price today and it went back up to $35.00. Suh-weet! :)
Meeting leftovers today were Eggspectations for breakfast and Chipotle for lunch. Wheee!
Another nice thing that happened today was that the policy director came by my desk (which is very unusual as we only run into each other in the kitchen or in the hallway) to tell me that he got a nice card from the office and it's on his mantel now. Ah ha, he got one of the cards that I made for Human Resources to send to staff on their birthday and anniversary. I don't know how well known it is at the office that I'm the one that make those cards, so it's nice to hear nice feedback.
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