
Saturday, May 23, 2015

Busy Bee Saturday

Today was really productive.  I thought I would be the first person at Costco this morning when it opened, but it looks like 20-30 other people had the same thought that I did.  It made sense since this is Memorial Day weekend and I'm sure that lots of people will be barbecuing. I bought containers of strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, a platter of cheese and kitty litter. I also went to Giant to do some more grocery shopping.  When I got home, I cut up all my fruit so that it'd be smoothie ready. I went to my parents' house to take a walk around the block with Julie. Before I went to the house, I went to the car wash to get it cleaned. This was the first time I've gone through the car wash, and wow, I felt quite claustrophobic in there! On my way home from my parents' house, I went to the gas station to vacuum the car. Good as new!

I also cleaned some of my tarnished silver jewelry with some aluminum foil, boiling water and baking soda.  Also good as new! 

While I was waiting for Julie to finish up some work before the walk around the neighborhood, I went outside to take pictures of Mom's roses and irises.


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