
Monday, May 23, 2016

Bench Press Goal Accomplished

6:30 AM CrossFit, check! It’s test week…bench press for me, deadlifts for everyone else.

At the beginning of the year, we had to write a 2016 goal on the white board. Mine was 1 rep max bench press at 100 lbs. And today, I DID IT! For reference, on 12/14, it was 80 lbs and it took me several tries. Like 15 mins worth of tries. On 4/7, it was 90, and it took me two tries. And today, it only took me one try. I went for 105, but my arms were like “Um, ok, that’s enough for youuu.”

I'm really proud of myself because, back when I wrote the goal, I thought it was impossible. I had 40 lbs to go and 80 lbs was already really hard. But, with consistent work these past few months, I did it! YAY! Now I need to think of a new goal, ha h.
WOD: AMRAP 8:00. 
100 single unders and 
20 overhead lunges with a 25 lb plate. 
I got through 3 rounds and halfway through the single unders.

At work, I wanted to get feedback incorporated into a poster I was working on this week. The feedback came in over the weekend, but I was starting to feel overwhelmed that I had to forcibly close my email and tell myself that I shouldn't be doing work on the weekend! I sent the poster back, so hopefully in email back to me will be the green light to print it. Time's running out!


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