Dental appointment: I have a clean bill of dental health, yay! The original appointment was going to be on August 30, but they were able to fit me in earlier. The catch was that my
dentist is currently on vacation and his father has been filling in for him. What? His father? Um, that's interesting. I have no idea that my dentist's father was a dentist as well. I guess there's a family business going on here. He must have been around 80 or something. Anyway, he was a very nice gentleman and complimented me on my teeth: "It is a real pleasure to work with a nice set of teeth." My orthodontist would love to hear that, and my dad since he spent a pretty penny on braces for me.
Family: My uncle is going to back to Taiwan on Saturday, so I went to another uncle's house for a good-bye family dinner. Good thing since I don't have much food in my refrigerator, heh.
Nail polish: I tried a new color today...Sally Hansen Insta-Dri in Heat Flash, a bright orange-y color.
Song of the day: "We are Never Ever Getting Back Together"- Taylor Swift
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