
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Happy Birthday, Julie!

We had a little snow this morning.  When I checked the closing and delays page on the local radio station's website, I was surprised that no Maryland schools were delayed, since the roads looked a little slushy.  OPM said that the federal government was open, but we had permission to do unscheduled leave or telework.  Work from home?  Yes please!

I wore my new Revlon Matte Balm in Standout around the house to test its wear.  At some point, RJ came to visit and gave me a few headbutts.  He came away from that cuddle with a reddish pink streak on the bridge of his nose.  Oops, sorry, kitty.

When I was done with my work day, I went to Panera for a salad and a red velvet cupcake for Julie.  I headed over to my parents' house to visit.  This year, I gave Julie a gift certificate, a bag each of Swedish fish and gummy bears, and some tiny knot earrings from my shopping trip to Kohl's.  I looked this pair up on the Kohl's website for curiosity sake.  The brand is called "Itsy Bitsy" and I noticed that the reviews for this pair of earrings were kinda funny.  "These earrings are too small!"  Well, um, they are called Itsy Bitsy.  Isn't it fitting?

I also saw the nice box that the cremation folks put Ginger's ashes in.  I still expect her to be roaming around the house. :'(


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