
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Sick Day, Day 3

Ok, I'm feeling better today, but not well enough to do any sort of work. Another round of cancelling conference calls and meetings.

It was not a good day for my department because not too long after I sent my sick day request, I got an email from my boss's boss, saying that she had slipped on some ice during her morning walk. She fell and was on her way to the ER to check her wrist because she was worried that she had broken it. It turns out that she broke 2 bones and will hear on Friday if she'll have to undergo surgery. :(

In other news, RJ has been a great cuddle buddy during these sick days.


cards4ubylouise and other treasures said...

Awwww....hope your feel better soon. Yay for RJ he's the best medicine.

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