
Saturday, December 26, 2015

Partner Workout at CrossFit

My cousin sent a text this morning to let me know her brother delivered the Christmas presents we sent with him to Taiwan. Gummy bears and a fighter pilot Lego kit (she is a commercial pilot).

9:30 AM CrossFit, check!

Partner WOD
As a team complete:
50 Clean and Jerks (45 lbs)
60 Pull-ups (with bands)
70 Wall Balls (8 lb ball)
Partner A: Works through reps
Partner B: Accumulate MAX burpees

My sister and I did it in 15:15 with 129 burpees, whew! Our homework was to write a 2016 goal on the whiteboard. “I want to be like Mike” and “Portion control” were the ones that especially made me smile.

Afterwards I went to pick up my mail at the post office. I'm really disappointed that the post office hasn't installed a new mailbox for my townhome complex. The post office having to hold our mail and me having to go to the post office to pick it up is an inconvenience for everyone. Their service is so slow. I had to wait 15 minutes for someone to get my mail, only to have her tell me she couldn't find it. WHAT?! I haven't been here in a week and you're telling me you can't find my mail. Where else could it be? I know have some. Finally, another post office employee was able to find it. Yay for Christmas cards! Boo for a “You got zapped” notice from the county police speed camera!

Earlier this evening, I went to my parents' house to eat Five Guys burgers with Julie and say bye to Mom and Dad before they go on their 3-week vacation to Taiwan. I had a free Redbox code and while I would have liked to have spent it on Ant-Man, it wasn't available at a nearby location. I went with Avengers: Age of Ultron. I had seen it in the movie theater, but wasn't as in awe of it as I was when I saw the first one. I thought maybe a second look would change my mind, but it didn't. Too long. Unnecessary character death at the end. I didn't really understand the Black Widow/Hulk romance. Blahhh.


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