
Thursday, April 14, 2016

Bench Press at CrossFit and a Day Off

6:30 AM CrossFit, check! Day 4 of the new strength cycle: deadlifts. To be mindful of my back, I’m switching deadlifts out for bench press for the next 6 weeks. 3 x 5 at 70 lbs. Andy, Coach Arielle's boyfriend, who's in town visiting, coached the class today, and Arielle did the workout with us. I think it was an adjustment for her…“Wow, it gets hot in here quickly when you’re actually working out this early!” We'll see how much he retained what he learned today when he coaches tomorrow morning.

Andy asked what kind of music we wanted to listen to during the WOD. "Not Rob music," I blurted out. Oops. Was that mean? Ahh, I'm sorry! I just don't find the rapper music motivating. How can I sing along in my head if I can't understand what they are saying?

WOD: 3 rounds
5 chest-to-bar pull-ups (with green and red bands)
20 goblet squats (26 lbs)
25 sit-ups
Time: 9:21

Next week is going to be busy at work with an in-person meeting Monday and Tuesday, so I’m enjoying a day off. It was productive though...I scrubbed down RJ's bathroom and vacuumed the house. And then I caught up on my tv shows, hah.


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