The last thing that I read for work before I shut down for the day was the focus group report from the discussions that we had a few weeks ago. It wasn't what I was expecting. The document was 5 pages and 2 of the pages were references. Um, this was a full day's worth of discussion. Where is the rest of this report? We need something for the folks coming for the focus group next week to respond to. I started tearing the report apart and being super critical, and then I decided to call my boss to make sure I wasn't misunderstanding. She had the same thoughts, but since this report isn't our responsibility, we can only give feedback and not try to step on the author's toes.
A few weeks ago, I signed up to participate in a plank challenge. Today's the day that we have submit our times. Julie and her friend, Sam, came over for dinner tonight (Indian food).
Julie asked how my plank challenge went. Well, I haven't turned my time
in! And I basically kicked them out after dinner so that I could get my
submission in. Heh. I ended up with 4:00:36. I hope there isn't a huge gap between my time and the winning time because that'll translate to lots of burpees.
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