
Monday, November 9, 2015

Deadlifts at CrossFit

At CrossFit today, we worked on our deadlifts. I don't know if it's because of my back workout yesterday or what, but my working weight at 95 lbs felt so heavy. Blah. Oh, and it was really cold outside this morning. So cold that I actually had to scrape the frost off my windshield before heading out. Brrr!

Anyhoo, I decided to telework today, since I'll be traveling on Friday (my normal telework day). The rain didn't let up when it would have been time for me to head to spin class, so I stayed home and worked on cards and braided my hair (5 strand Dutch braid).
Super fun evening...heh.


Jen W. said...

Sounds as wild as my evening. It's Saturday and by 7:30pm I was in my pjs!! :D

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