My goal last week was to make it through today. Full day meeting on Wednesday that I was expected to take notes at and then a longer day today because of a workshop I had to staff.
The Employee Appreciation Week activity today was called "The Starving Artists" gallery. I don't know why they call it that every year since we pretty much eat all the time at the office, especially today and yesterday with leftover meeting breakfast and lunch and on Monday with the potluck. Who the heck is starving around here? They must be new or they simply need to get with the program. Anyway, I brought several cards and my display. My boss, who happened to be in town, brought a counted cross-stitch of a bear ("No one at home noticed that I took it off the wall."). There was also pottery, photography and paintings. Again there was food from Jimmy John's and Sweetgreen to lure the staff to come look at the artwork. I received several compliments on my cards, which felt really nice.
One person asked if they were for sale. o_0 Um, no, I hadn't thought of selling these. Truth be told, these are the cards I like so much that I haven't given them away. "I have a birthday dinner to go to tonight." What? What an awkward question to ask with people around. I just felt weird about it.
One of the workshop participants complimented me on my nails, tee hee.
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