
Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

I've never been one to celebrate St. Patrick's Day, but I kinda did this year.  First off, one of the hotels that we give a lot of business to gave the office a bunch of cupcakes for the staff.  How nice of them!  Today is Day 2 of Employee Appreciation Week and the activity was bowling.  I originally had a conference call scheduled for that time and when that didn't happen, I didn't feel like going bowling so I stayed behind (and so did a bunch of other people too).  I went to Safeway instead and got some snacks for Wednesday and Thursday's meetings.
For dinner, I headed over to Sirin's place where she was made a corned beef brisket, some red cabbage and a kale salad.  I brought over some Halos and my nail art kit because she was interested in how it's done.  It was nice to catch up with her since the last time I saw her was almost a year ago
Me on the left, Sirin on the right.


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