I made it to the 6:30 AM CrossFit class this morning. This week is testing week so you had to work up to your 1 rep max on a specific exercise. Today's was the shoulder press. I got up to 55 lbs (PR). I tried 60, but could only get up to my ears, but couldn't push it up all the way. The timed portion of the workout was 1000 m row, 500 m row, 250 m row. However long it took you to do each set was the rest time you got in between. My times were 4:22, 2:10, 0:58, respectively.
There was a 9:30 AM interview scheduled, but when I checked my phone when I got home, it got cancelled. Apparently, the candidate was no longer interested in the position, maybe they already got a new job. Fine by me! I didn't have to rush so much to get to the office. Most of my morning was to get the minutes from the Monday/Tuesday meeting done on my part. The document came out to 9 pages! Well, it's better to be thorough! There was also an interview at 4:00 PM today, but I was feeling kinda meh about her. I haven't decided if I liked her enough to recommend her for a second interview.
When I got home, I left the front door open so RJ could look outside. I could hear children talking to him through the storm door. Oh, she's so cute! Hi kitty! Oh, she's SO big! Come back! Meow meow! Hah.
Well, he's a boy, minor detail.
That second picture is ridiculously adorable!
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